"La naturaleza es grande en las grandes cosas, pero es grandísima en las más pequeñas" Saint-Pierre (1737-1814)

jueves, 24 de julio de 2014

Noticias científicas diarias

- Dozens placed in quarantine after China plague death.
Part of a city in north-west China has been sealed off and dozens of people placed in quarantine after a man died of bubonic plague, state media say.  

- Deep sea mining licences issued.
Vast new areas of the ocean floor have been opened up in an accelerating search for valuable minerals including manganese, copper and gold.

- Bats 'fly by polarised light'.
Bats use the pattern of polarised light in the evening sky to get their bearings, according to a new study.

- EU sets 'ambitious but realistic' energy savings target.
EU member states will have to boost their energy efficiency by 30% by 2030, according to the European Commission.

- Northwest Passage voyage of scientific discovery.
A crew of sailors is embarking on a pioneering citizen science expedition through the Northwest Passage between Canada and Greenland.

- Controlling lupus, drugs for cystic fibrosis, HIV drugs for hepatitis C, and much more in the 23 July 2014 issue of Science Translational Medicine.
More information: http://scim.ag/1ru3zwj

- Offshore wind farms are turning into seal hunting grounds.

- Murderous meerkats!
A study in Nature Communications examines why female meerkats attack their daughters and kill their grandchildren. 
More information: http://bit.ly/1rJLnOp

- Sponge-like material converts sunlight into steam.
Steam generation using solar energy is normally based on heating bulk liquid to high temperatures - but this new material enables a markedly more efficient method.

- For decades, Europe and the United States have led the way in particle physics, and the big discoveries have happened at labs such as SLAC, CERN and Fermilab. But in a few years, China might become the place to be.

- Sediments in thermokarst lakes, found in Arctic regions, are an important carbon sink (store) that may have offset the greenhouse gas emissions that occurred when the lakes formed.
More information: http://bit.ly/WCtp6v           

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